Student Blogs

Summer Lovin’: Internships and Abroad!

July 11th, 2013 jmsalt15

Hey everyone!

It’s the summer and I’m loving my summer internships! Through SIP, the Summer Internship Program, I was able to get two internships for this summer!

The first internship I have is on campus with the Campus Activities Board and the Office of Student Involvement. I am working with CAB to help plan Welcome Week events, as well as events throughout the first semester. Additionally, I’ve been attending meetings with other organizations on campus and have been facilitating staff interviews! It has been so much fun, especially with the other interns in the office.

My other internship is with the Alzheimer’s Association! I am an Outreach and Development intern for the Walk to End Alzheimer’s. I am helping recruit and reach out to people and companies in Worcester County! This ranges from phone calling, letter mailing, e-mailing, and even going to companies to help them promote the Walk! I just went to a local pizza place to put flyers on their pizza boxes for the Walk! Its a lot of fun and I truly am enjoying myself.

When I get home from my internship (home being Williams Hall-which has been AMAZING to live in), I usually make myself some dinner (or eat cereal if I’m too lazy to make anything), hang out with a bunch of other people who are here over the summer, AND research St. Andrews!

I’m studying abroad at The University of St. Andrew’s next year and I am really excited! I’m currently in the Visa process (which can be a drag so readers, get ready to apply for a Visa if you decide to go abroad!). St. Andrew’s has been very helpful! So I’m really looking forward to that. Once I find out where I will be living and a little more information, I will blog all about St. Andrews!

Hope you’re having a great summer, and for the first years who attended Gateways, I hope you enjoyed yourself!


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